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Online Meditation

Can you hear it? Perhaps it is just a faint whisper calling you.

Are you ready to remember?

Are you ready to come home, to belong, to be?

For centuries women would meet monthly in circles where old and young would come together to share wisdom, connect, listen and support. These circles were a magical and deeply healing experience, it was an opportunity for the both elders and youth to impart their wisdom as they were all equals in this space. The women would have an opportunity to share without judgment, they were not interrupted and were given space to tell their story. Women were considered sacred beings, vessels for life, wisdom, instinct and a direct portal between worlds. This has mostly been forgotten in our modern day society. Women have forgotten their strengths, their power, their divinity. This is shifting, collectively there is stirring, a faint hum or beat of remembrance.



I invite you to be part of that stirring, that remembering. I am offering a space each week for women to come together. This group will focus on meditation techniques, mindfulness, healing and guidance. Each eight week block will focus on a theme and will be an opportunity to share, connect and release. I will also be using Reiki and energy in the meditations to provide a healing space. These groups will be very high energy and a place to move into a higher vibration. In a fast paced and busy world we often forget to check in with ourselves. This group is an opportunity to come back to ourselves. These groups will be a chance to remember and call back our power.



Membership will include access to a private Facebook group where we will be able to share, connect and support each other. Sessions will be 90 minutes long and all meditations or visualisations will be recorded and emailed for your private use.

If you have any queries

or questions or would

simply like to have a

chat in please, 

Message Me

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